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TitleAnnual Report 2021
Date of Publication2022
PublisherAfrican Capacity Building Foundation
Number of Pages80
KeywordsErastus J. O. Mwencha, Hon. Ken Ofori-Atta, Professor Emmanuel Nnadozie, ACBF Strategy for 2017–2021, Keywords you may add capacity development, Agenda 2063, programs/projects
AbstractThe 2021 Annual Report provides key highlights of the Foundation's contribution to advancing development priorities at continental and national levels as well as its capacity support to non-state actors. The year 2021 was one of great uncertainty, not only on our continent, but all around the world. The COVID-19 pandemic continued to impact on all economies in new ways that we had not anticipated. Therefore, it was only logical that ACBF focus in financial year 2021 was on implementing programs to support countries to better adapt to the pandemic, while continuing to pursue the aspirations of Agenda 2063. In the year 2021, the program orientation remained aligned to Africa’s most pressing capacity needs. The Foundation has had another successful year, achieving its development objectives, with tangible results being registered at the continental and country levels, as well as in its support to non-state actors in promoting sustainable development in Africa.
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