| Title: Tackling Implementation Challenges for Africa’s Sustainable Development Report of the 2019 Africa Think Tank Summit... Author: ACBF Publisher: ACBF, KIPPRA, AfDB, Afreximbank, Hewlett Foundation and Islamic Development Bank Date of Publication: 2019 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Taking Stock of Organizations with Impact Evaluation Capacity Headquartered in sub-Saharan Africa: A New Database and Landscaping Analysis.. Author: Julia Kaufman , Justin Hurley , Janeen Madan Keller and Erin Collinson Publisher: Center for Glabal Development Date of Publication: 2023 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: TAKING THE ROAD LESS TRAVELLED: In Pursuit of Fiscal Consolidation “Delivering Fiscal Consolidation for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth”: Analysis of the 2019 National Budget.. Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Budget Date of Publication: 201810 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: TAMING ROGUE POLICE FORCES IN PEACEFUL AND POST CONFLICT SITUATIONS: Lessons from Liberia, Case Study 34.. Author: ACBF Publisher: African Community of Practice on Management for Development result at the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) Subject: Peace and Conflict Resolution Date of Publication: 2016034 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Tanzania - Country Profile.. Author: AFDB Date of Publication: 2021 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Taxation optimale du tabac en Mauritanie .. Author: Centre Mauritanien d’Analyse de Politiques (CMAP) Publisher: Centre Mauritanien d’Analyse de Politiques (CMAP) Subject: Taxation du tabac Date of Publication: 201802 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Tax Evasion and Widening the Tax Base in Uganda.. Author: Sennoga, Edward ; Matovu, John M ; Twimukye, Evarist Publisher: Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC) Subject: Taxation Date of Publication: 2009 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Technology needs for climate adaptation in agriculture: Evidence from Africa.. Author: ACBF Publisher: ACBF Subject: Technology, Climate change agriculture Date of Publication: 2023 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Tendances émergentes dans la consommation de produits du tabac et de nicotine en Zambie : implications pour la santé publique et les politiques.. Publisher: ACBF Date of Publication: 2023 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Testing Classic Theories of Migration in the Lab.. Author: Batista, Catia; McKenzie, David Publisher: World Bank Subject: Migration Date of Publication: 2021 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Theme: “Evidence-Based Strategies for Sustainable Climate Financing in Africa”.. Author: ACBF Subject: Sustainable Climate Financing Date of Publication: 2024 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: This paper describes the state of informal sector work in urban Sub-Saharan Africa, using household surveys from 26 countries representing 61 percent of the population of Sub-Saharan Africa and firm surveys from three countries. Five main conclusions emerge. First, the urban informal sector is large and persistent in Sub-Saharan Africa. Approximately 56 to 65 percent of urban workers are informal, half of whom are self-employed. Data from five countries suggest little systematic reduction in the prevalence of informality during the 2010s. Second, heterogeneity in the African informal sector cuts along demographic lines. Women are overrepresented in informal self-employment, men in informal wage work, and youth in unpaid employment. Third, while the urban informal workers are, on average, poorer and in less-skilled occupations than formal sector workers, the majority are not extremely poor and are in mid-skilled occupations. Fourth, informal enterprises are small and are challenged to survive and grow into job-creating firms. Few find much benefit from registration given the costs, both monetary (taxes) and transactional (information about the registration process). Fifth, access to urban public services (utilities) is weakly associated with the probability of working in an informal job, although access to mobile phones is high across all job types. If thriving urban jobs are to contribute to economic and social development in Africa, it will be crucial for policies and programs to take into consideration the heterogeneity in jobs, the profile of workers, and the urban context... Author: Carolyn Barnett Publisher: World Bank Date of Publication: 2024 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Thème: « Stratégies pertinentes de financement durable de la lutte contre le changement climatique en Afrique ».. Publisher: ACBF Subject: Sommet 2024 des Think Tanks d’Afrique [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Tirer parti de l'élasticité des prix pour réduire la consommation de tabac au Botswana : une stratégie en vue de meilleurs résultats.. Author: ACBF Publisher: ACBF Date of Publication: 2023 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Tirer parti des taxes d'accises pour lutter contre le tabac: une stratégie pour réduire la consommation et améliorer la santé publique en Ouganda.. Author: ACBF Publisher: ACBF Date of Publication: 2023 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Tobacco Consumption and Household Expenditure in Togo: Unveiling the Economic Impact and the Need for Targeted Anti-Smoking Interventions.. Author: ACBF Publisher: ACBF Date of Publication: 2023 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Tobacco Control in Uganda: An analysis of the impact of taxation on consumption patterns.. Author: Ntale, Anita; Kasirye, Ibrahim Publisher: Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC) Subject: Tobacco Control Date of Publication: 201803 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Togo Jobs Diagnostic: Confronting Challenges and Creating Opportunities for More Good Quality Jobs for All.. Author: Karlen, Raphaela; Rother, Friederike Publisher: World Bank Date of Publication: 2023 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Tourist Flows and Its Determinants in Ethiopia.. Author: Yabibal Mulualem Walle Publisher: Ethiopian Development Research Institute (EDRI) Subject: Tourism Date of Publication: 2010 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Towards more inclusive public governance and sustainable development in Africa and MENA.. Author: OECD Publisher: OECD Subject: Public Governance, Sustainable Development in Africa Date of Publication: 2024 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Toward Stability and Growth: A Review of Pillar I & II of Zambia’s Economic Stabilisation and Growth Programme 2017-2019.. Author: Banda-Muleya, Florence; Nalishebo, Shebo; Kalikeka, Mbewe ; Mungomba, Nakubyana; Masilokwa, Ignatious; Cheelo, Caesar Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Economic Growth Date of Publication: 201906 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: TRACKING FOOD SECURITY USING NATIONAL FOOD BALANCE SHEETS: EXPERIENCES FROM EAST AFRICA.. Author: Njeru, Geoffrey R Publisher: African Research and Resource Forum (ARRF) Subject: Food Security Date of Publication: 2011 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: TRADE FACILITATION IN AFRICA Knowledge Brief No. 1.. Author: African Community of Practice on Management for Development result at the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) Publisher: African Community of Practice on Management for Development result at the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) Subject: Trade Date of Publication: 2014 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Trade opportunities from the EU-ACP EPAs: Prospects for the flower sub-sector in Uganda.. Author: Madina Guloba; Francis Ogwal Publisher: Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC) Subject: Trade and Investment Date of Publication: 2011 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Trade opportunities from the EU-ACP EPAs: Prospects for the Fresh Fruits and Vegetables subsector in Uganda.. Author: Madina Guloba; Francis Ogwal Publisher: Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC) Subject: Trade and Investment Date of Publication: 2011 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Trade Policy Development and Negotiations in the Doha Round: Documentation of Major Issues and Proposals on Africa's Position.. Author: ACBF Subject: Trade and Investment Date of Publication: 2005 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Trade Policy for Sustainable and Inclusive Agriculture... Author: Anna Sands, Julia Turner and Amrita Saha Publisher: Institute of Development Studies Subject: Trade Date of Publication: 2023 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: TRADE, REVENUE AND WELFARE EFFECTS OF THE EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY CUSTOMS UNION PRINCIPLE OF ASYMMETRY ON UGANDA: AN APPLICATION OF WITS-SMART SIMULATION MODEL.. Author: LAWRENCE OTHIENO; ISAAC SHINYEKWA Publisher: Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC) Subject: Regional Economic Integration and Development Date of Publication: 2011 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Trade Therapy : Deepening Trade Cooperation to Improve Global Health Security.. Author: World Bank Publisher: World Bank Subject: HEALTHCARE, HEALTH MARKET, HEALTH TRADE, PANDEMIC Date of Publication: 2022 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Transforming Agribusiness, Trade and Leadership: A Capacity Needs Assessment of the Tea Value Chain in Kenya.. Author: KIPPRA Publisher: Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) Subject: Capacity Needs Assessment Date of Publication: 2017 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Transforming Lives: Short stories from the AACES Shared Futures Project.. Author: Australia Africa Community Engagement Scheme (AACES) Publisher: Australia Africa Community Engagement Scheme (AACES) Subject: Poverty Alleviation [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: TRANSFORMING SMALL SCALE COMMUNAL FARMERS THROUGH ADOPTING INNOVATION PLATFORMS: A case of Hwedza District, Zimbabwe, Case Study No. 43.. Author: ACBF Publisher: African Community of Practice on Management for Development result at the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) Subject: Small Scale Farming and Innovation Date of Publication: 2016043 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Transparency and Accountability in the Management of Public Funds: How sensibly must African Countries Stand?.. Author: Okonjo-Iwela, Ngozi Subject: Financial Sector Development Date of Publication: 2011 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Traquer et combattre le commerce illicite du tabac au Benin: un appel au renforcement de la surveillance et l'application deslois.. Author: ACBF Publisher: ACBF Date of Publication: 4 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Troisiéme Plan Stratégique â Moyen Terme De L'ACBF (PSMT III) 2012 - 2016.. Author: ACBF Subject: Capacity Development Date of Publication: 2011 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Étude sur les besoins en capacités des Communautés Économiques Régionales d'Afrique et stratégies pour y faire face.. Author: ACBF Publisher: ACBF Subject: RENFORCEMENT DES CAPACITÉS, Communautés Économiques Régionales d'Afrique Date of Publication: 2016 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Two Heads Are Better Than One : Agricultural Production and Investment in Côte d’Ivoire.. Author: Donald, Aletheia; Goldstein, Markus; Rouanet, Léa Publisher: World Bank Group Subject: Agriculture Date of Publication: 2022 [ original document ] [ document information ] |