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TitleGender Audit – AACES program in Malawi and Tanzania 2014
AuthorMaranga, Stella Kerubo
Date of Publication2015
PublisherAustralia Africa Community Engagement Scheme (AACES)
Number of Pages72 pages
Geographical CoverageMalawi, Tanzania
AbstractThis is a gender audit of AACES program in two countries, with CADECOM Malawi and Caritas Tanzania as implementing partners. In each of the two countries, the projects are implemented in three dioceses in three different locations. Two of the communities in Malawi were matrilineal, the rest were patrilineal. The communities were primarily farming communities except in Mbulu where the communities were agro-pastoral. AACES projects in the two countries include food security programs comprising irrigation, training on up to date farming methods, provision of tools and support with post-harvest storage; Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) including provision of domestic water points, construction of boreholes, construction and/or rehabilitation of toilets, training in hygiene and sanitation; Village savings and loan; community sensitization projects in child protection; gender sensitization and awareness and capacity building of women leaders. AACES uses a Strength Based Approach (SBA) where the community identifies their strengths and then identifies gaps; it is the gaps that form the basis of the AACES annual plans. The program targets the marginalised groups within the community and has been using an indicator tracking survey tool to measure the impact of the program on the families and households identified as marginalised, who include child headed households, female headed households (FHH), people with disabilities and those affected with HIV. The Progress and achievements made by the AACES programme over the last two years is commendable. Gender mainstreaming should be ultimately about transforming power imbalances in communities, this is a long term process but unless a transformative agenda is built into a program’s work and approach, there is a risk that gender mainstreaming remains about the processes and does not transform communities to achieve gender equality.
Copyright HolderAustralia Africa Community Engagement Scheme (AACES)
Filesize1117585 MB
File FormatPDF
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