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TitleThe Probable Impact on Zimbabwe Mining Fiscal Revenue and Industry Competitiveness of Various Price, Production & Fiscal Scenarios:Incorporating a Quantitative Case Study of the Gold Sector
AuthorZimbabwe Economic Policy Analysis and Research Unit (ZEPARU)
Date of Publication201606
PublisherZimbabwe Economic Policy Analysis and Research Unit (ZEPARU)
Number of Pages78 pages
Geographical CoverageZimbabwe
KeywordsGold Mining, Zimbabwe Economy, Zimbabwe Mining Sector, Taxation
AbstractArguably, Zimbabwe has a diverse and rich mineral resource base, which has not even been significantly explored. The mining sector has emerged to become the key economic sector in the country in terms of contribution to GDP, exports, fiscal revenue, FDI and employment. However government expectations from the sector, especially as regards fiscal contribution, are much higher than the current performance. On the other hand, the mining industry has indicated that the current fiscal regime is not conducive, especially given depressed commodity prices. Thus, the delicate task facing government is to strike a balance between the two imperatives. It is clear that fiscal revenue from the mining sector is dependent on the viability of the sector, so that the two imperatives should not necessarily be viewed as competing.
Copyright HolderZimbabwe Economic Policy Analysis and Research Unit (ZEPARU)
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