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TitleACBF 2002 Annual Report
SubjectCapacity Development
Date of Publication2003
Number of Pages168 pages
Geographical CoverageAfrica
KeywordsNEPAD and Capacity Building in Africa, Civil Service Reform, HIV/AIDS and Capacity Building
AbstractACBF was once again on the move in 2002. The Foundation sustained the vigorous pace that characterized its performance over the previous first two years of integration and implementation of the Partnership for Capacity Building in Africa (PACT). First, the Foundation launched a major resource mobilization exercise for the funding of the Strategic Medium- Term Plan (SMTP), 2002 – 2006. Second, it embraced the change management process, which recorded significant advances in terms of internal culture and processes. Third, the Foundation embarked actively on the design and implementation of its knowledge management strategy. Fourth, it imparted fresh energy into its project development and implementation processes, which culminated in the improvement of the overall quality of the operations in its portfolio - as evidenced by the outputs generated as well as the remarkable increase in the level of disbursements to beneficiaries. Lastly, the Foundation continued to intensify its outreach and networking activities, which witnessed enhanced co-operation and collaboration with many institutions and initiatives, including the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD). These achievements gave renewed credence to the conviction shared by many stakeholders – including the Executive Board and the Board of Governors – that the Foundation is poised to make remarkable strides in the years ahead as Africa’s pre-eminent capacity building institution.
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