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SubjectSexual and Reproductive Health
Date of Publication2017060
PublisherAfrican Community of Practice on Management for Development result at the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF)
Number of Pages11 pages
Geographical CoverageTanzania
KeywordsCivil Society and Health, Young People and Sexual Health, Sexual Reproductive Health Rights, Sex Education
AbstractTanzania is a signatory to regional and international agreements on human rights that include adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) - a program that spans the reproductive health lifecycle - with special attention to the needs of very young adolescents (ages 10 to 14), preventing early pregnancy, and addressing the needs of young mothers taking into account the gender and social norms that create barriers to SRH information and services provided to adolescents, leading to poor SRH outcomes. This case study shares experiences on how civil society organizations (CSOs) have contributed to ASRH in Tanzania.1 It shows that CSOs have indeed aided in government ASRH efforts and have responded to young people’s needs for ASRH knowledge. Key findings. The CSOs working in the sector show that adolescents respond to education and services that address their ASRH needs when delivered in a friendly and non-judgmental manner. In some settings, mass media programs, when combined with other community activities (such as educational materials and linkages to health services) have contributed to changing HIV behavior and social norms among young people. Key lessons. Coordination with local authorities, including health centers is a valid strategy that links initiatives from the start to local duty bearers, highlighting the fact that these are the actors responsible for SRH services. Also, a multisectoral approach to addressing ASRH issues, which includes strong participation of young people and parents presents a unique opportunity to facilitating an enabling environment for the provision and acceptance of ASRH education, information, and services. Key recommendations. There is a need for institutional and human resource capacity building and it is necessary to invest in the long term by changing social norms, providing community support, and sustaining behaviour change among adolescents and their families. A multifaceted approach should encompass all stakeholders, including CSOs, government, the private sector, and parents in ensuring sustainability of ASRH interventions. It’s also important for Tanzania and other countries to amend policies and laws that prohibit comprehensive sexuality education.
Copyright HolderAfrican Community of Practice (AfCoP)
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