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TitleHistory of African Trade
AuthorEmmanuel Akyeampong
SubjectAfrica Trade, Trade history
Date of Publication2017
Number of Pages32
AbstractThis essay provides a comprehensive historical overview of trade in Africa from the pre-colonial period to the present, with some insights on the role played by existing monetary arrangements in the continued transfer of resources from the continent even after independence. The essay was written at a time of strategic shift both at the continental level but also within the African Export-Import Bank to emphasize Intra-African Trade as a driver of economic development and structural transformation of African economies. With respect to Intra-African Trade, a key focus of Afreximbank’s strategy, this report highlights the journey and challenges Africa has faced and the lessons we can take to aid the years of transformation ahead of us. The historical perspective articulated in the essay brings to the fore a different development narrative which I hope will greatly shape the process of structural transformation of African economies in the coming decades; indeed to quote Confucius on the transformative power of history “Study the past if you would define the future.”
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