| Title: The Sales Tax Proposal: Are we Beating a Dead Horse?.. Author: Nalishebo, Shebo; Banda-Muleya, Florence Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Taxation Date of Publication: 201909 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: SECTORAL AND WELFARE EFFECTS OF THE GLOBAL ECONOMIC CRISIS ON UGANDA: A RECURSIVE DYNAMIC CGE ANALYSIS.. Author: TWIMUKYE, Evarist ; MARY MATOVU, John Mary; LEVINE, Sebastian; BIRUNGI, Patrick Publisher: Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC) Subject: Economic Development Date of Publication: 2010 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: Shifting from Tobacco to Sustainable Alternatives: A Strategy for Empowering Zimbabwean Farmers.. Publisher: ACBF Date of Publication: 2023 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: Should Infrastructure Investors Care About Human Capital?.. Author: Charles Kenny, George Yang Publisher: Center for Global development Subject: Climate, Energy, and Environment, Education, Private Finance for Development Date of Publication: 2022 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: Shrinking Economic Distance: Understanding How Markets and Places Can Lower Transport Costs in Developing Countries. Sustainable Infrastructure Series.. Author: Herrera Dappe, Matías; Lebrand, Mathilde; Stokenberga, Aiga Publisher: World Bank [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: The Simple Math of Development Finance.. Author: Charles Kenny Publisher: Center for Global Development Subject: Governments and Development, Sustainable Development Finance Date of Publication: 2022 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: Situational analysis of climate adaptation in Africa: Opportunities for Capacity Development... Author: ACBF Publisher: ACBF Subject: Climate change, adaptation, Africa Date of Publication: 2023 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: SKILLED PEOPLE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS TRANSFORMING AFRICA: The ACBF STRATEGY FOR 2017 - 2021.. Author: ACBF Publisher: ACBF Subject: ACBF STRATEGY 2017 - 2021 Date of Publication: 2017 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: Small and Medium Enterprises Amidst the Pandemic and Reopening: Digital Edge and Transformation.. Author: Lin William Cong, Xiaohan Yang, Xiaobo Zhang Publisher: Center for Global Development Date of Publication: 2021 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: SMTP II: ACBF's Second Medium Strategic Medium Term Plan 2007 - 2011.. Author: ACBF Subject: Capacity Development Date of Publication: 2006 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: SMTP III: ACBF's Third Strategic Medium Term Plan 2012 -2016.. Author: ACBF Subject: Capacity Development Date of Publication: 2011 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: Social Capital and Poverty: Conceptual Framework and Evidence .. Author: Diawara, Barassou Dr. Subject: Social Capital , Poverty Date of Publication: 2013 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: Social Cash Transfers for the Poorest in Uganda.. Author: Sennoga, Edward; Matovu, John M. ; Twimukye, Evarist Publisher: Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC) Subject: Poverty Reduction Date of Publication: 38 pages [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: Social Inclusion and Service Delivery in a Fragile and Post-conflict Environment in Africa.. Author: Ayee, Joseph R.A. Subject: Capacity Development in Post-Conflict Countries Date of Publication: 2011 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: Social Protection and Jobs for Climate Change.. Author: Costella, Cecilia; Shabahat, Elham; Sadiq, Nian; Okamura, Yuko Publisher: World Bank Date of Publication: 2024 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: Social Protection in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons from South Africa.. Author: Lena Gronbach, Jeremy Seekings, and Vayda Megannon Publisher: Center for Global Development Date of Publication: 2022 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: Social Safety Nets in Botswana: Administration, targetting and sustainability.. Author: Seleka, T; Siphambe, H; Ntseane, D; Mbere, N Publisher: Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis (BIDPA) Subject: Social Safety Nets Date of Publication: 2007 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: Socioeconomic Determinants of Primary School Dropout: The Logistic Model Analysis.. Author: Mike, Ibrahim Okumu; Nakajjo, Alex ; Isoke, Doreen Publisher: Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC) Subject: Education Date of Publication: 2008 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: The socio-economic impact of disease burden due to smoking in Malawi Mariam.. Author: A.T.J. Kadzamira, Harriet J. Gausi and Tamara Phiri Publisher: Youth Enterprise Services (YES) Subject: Tobacco control Date of Publication: 2022 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: The Socioeconomic Impact of HIV/AIDS on Education Outcomes in Uganda: School Enrolment and the Schooling Gap in 2002/03.. Author: Kasirye, Ibrahim ; Hisali, Eria Publisher: Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC) Subject: HIV and Aids Date of Publication: 2008 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: SOLAR ENERGY An opportunity for affordable and clean energy for all.. Author: ACBF Publisher: African Community of Practice on Management for Development result at the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) Subject: Solar Energy Date of Publication: 2017058 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: Somalia - Country Profile.. Author: AFDB Publisher: AFDB Date of Publication: 2022 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: Sommet des think tanks d'Afrique 2021.. Author: ACBF Publisher: La Fondation pour le renforcement des capacités en Afrique Date of Publication: 2022 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: South Africa Country Climate and Development Report.. Author: World Bank Group Publisher: World Bank Group Subject: Climate change Date of Publication: 2022 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: Standard Definitions for Techniques of Supply Chain Finance.. Author: FCI Publisher: Afreximbank Subject: Factoring Date of Publication: 2016 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: State Building in South Sudan: Priorities for Development Policy Research.. Author: Nyong’o, Dorothy Publisher: African Research and Resource Forum (ARRF) Subject: Nation and State Building Date of Publication: 2013 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets 2020.. Author: FAO Publisher: FAO Subject: COMMODITY MARKETS Date of Publication: 2020 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: The State of capacity Building in Africa.. Author: Tsafack Nanfosso, Roger Subject: Capacity Development Date of Publication: 2011 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2021.. Author: : FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP and WHO Publisher: FAO Date of Publication: 2021 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
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| Title: The State of the Political Instability and Its Impact on Trade in South Sudan: A Critical Assessment.. Author: Edris H. Seid, Haile Kebret and Ali Issa Abdi Publisher: The Horn Economic and Social Policy Institute (HESPI) Date of Publication: 2021 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: Strategic Investment Funds; Establishment and Operations.. Author: Shanthi Divakaran, Håvard Halland, Gianni Lorenzato, Paul Rose, and Sebastian Sarmiento-Saher Publisher: World Bank Date of Publication: 2022 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: The Strategic Plan 2023 - 2027.. Author: ACBF Publisher: ACBF Subject: Strategic plan Date of Publication: 2023 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: Strategies for Factoring Growth in Africa.. Author: Awani, Kanayo Publisher: Afreximbank Subject: Factoring in Africa Date of Publication: 2015 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: Strengthening Institutional Capacity through Collaborative Partnerships: Lessons from WUA and Future Opportunities.. Author: Prof Sunungurai Chingarande Publisher: WUA, ACBF Date of Publication: 2024 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: Strengthening National Statistical Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa: Some Lessons from Ugandan Experience.. Author: Kiregyera, Ben Subject: Statistics and Indicators Date of Publication: 2006 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: Strengthening Parliament as an Institution: Some Recommended Practices.. Author: Oniang'o, Ruth Subject: Parliamentary Issues Date of Publication: 2004 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: Strengthening Policy Research Capacity in Africa: Lessons from the Past Twenty Years.. Author: Babu, Suresh. Chandra Subject: Policy making Date of Publication: 2008 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: Strengthening research Institutions in Africa: A sythesis report.. Author: DFID Publisher: UK Department for International Development [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: STRENGTHENING THE INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY OF THE ECONOMIC COMMUNITY OF WEST AFRICAN STATES (ECOWAS).. Author: NEPAD Publisher: NEPAD Date of Publication: 2015 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: Stuck Near Ten Billion: Public-Private Infrastructure Finance in Sub-Saharan Africa .. Author: Nancy Lee and Mauricio Cardenas Gonzalez Publisher: Center for Global Development Subject: Africa, Sustainable Development, Finance, Private, Finance for Development Date of Publication: 2022 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: STUDIES IN RECONSTRUCTION AND CAPACITY BUILDING IN POST-CONFLICT COUNTRIES IN AFRICA.. Author: Rugumamu, Severine Prof.; Gbla, Osman, Dr. Publisher: ACBF Subject: Post-Conflict Reconstruction Date of Publication: 2003 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: STUDIES IN RECONSTRUCTION AND CAPACITY BUILDING IN POST-CONFLICT COUNTRIES IN AFRICA: SOME LESSONS OF EXPERIENCE FROM MOZAMBIQUE.. Author: Rugumamu, Severine Prof.; Gbla, Osman, Dr. Publisher: ACBF Subject: Post-Conflict Reconstruction Date of Publication: 2004 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: STUDIES IN RECONSTRUCTION AND CAPACITY BUILDING IN POST-CONFLICT COUNTRIES IN AFRICA: SOME LESSONS OF EXPERIENCE FROM RWANDA.. Author: Rugumamu, Severine Prof.; Gbla, Osman, Dr. Publisher: ACBF Subject: POST-CONFLICT RECONSTRUCTION Date of Publication: 2003 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: STUDIES IN RECONSTRUCTION AND CAPACITY BUILDING IN POST-CONFLICT COUNTRIES IN AFRICA: SOME LESSONS OF EXPERIENCE FROM SIERRA LEONE.. Author: Kiggundu, Moses. Prof.; Gbla, Osman, Dr. Publisher: ACBF Subject: POST-CONFLICT RECONSTRUCTION Date of Publication: 2004 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: STUDIES IN RECONSTRUCTION AND CAPACITY BUILDING IN POST-CONFLICT COUNTRIES IN AFRICA: SOME LESSONS OF EXPERIENCE FROM UGANDA.. Author: Rugumamu, Severine Prof.; Gbla, Osman, Dr. Publisher: ACBF Subject: POST-CONFLICT RECONSTRUCTION Date of Publication: 2004 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: Studying on Trade -Carrying Infrastructure Gap in Southern African Development Community (SADC.. Author: AFREXIMBANK Publisher: AFREXIMBANK [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: A STUDY OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN ACBF-SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS.. Publisher: ACBF Subject: CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Date of Publication: 2005 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: Sudan - Country Profile.. Author: AFDB Date of Publication: 2021 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: SUIVI & ÉVALUATION DE LA PRISE EN COMPTE DU GENRE DANS LES POLITIQUES NATIONALES DE DÉVELOPPEMENT EN AFRIQUE : LE CAS DU BÉNIN, Etude de cas N°10.. Author: Secrétariat de la Communauté Africaine de Pratiques sur la Gestion axée sur les Résultats de Développement à la Fondation pour le Renforcement des Capacités en Afrique Publisher: Communauté Africaine de Pratiques sur la Gestion Axée sur les Résultats de Développement à la Fondation pour le Renforcement des Capacités en Afrique Subject: SUIVI & ÉVALUATION Date of Publication: 2016 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
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| Title: Supply chain finance and SMEs: evidence from international factoring data.. Author: Marc Auboin; Harry Smythe ; Robert Teh Publisher: Afreximbank Subject: Factoring Date of Publication: 2016 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: A Survey of the Capacity Needs of Africa’s Regional Economic Communities .. Author: ACBF Subject: Regional Economic Integration and Development Date of Publication: 2008 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: Survey of the Capacity Needs of Africa's Regional Economic Communities And Strategies for Addressing Them.. Author: ACBF Publisher: ACBF Subject: Capacity Development, Regional Economic Integration and Development Date of Publication: 2016 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: Sustainable Cities: Urban Areas and Climate Change in Sierra Leone .. Author: World Bank Publisher: World Bank Date of Publication: 2023 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL 4 OF 2030 AGENDA : UNIVERSAL HEALTH COVERAGE, HOW FAR COULD CAMEROON BE READY?.. Author: Camercap-Parc Publisher: Camercap-Parc Subject: Health Date of Publication: June 2022 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
| Title: Synthetic Gem Quality Diamonds and their Potential Impact on the Botswana Economy.. Author: Grynberg, R ; Sengwaketse, M; Motswapong, M Publisher: Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis (BIDPA) Subject: Diamond Industry Date of Publication: 2014 [ original document ] [ document information ] |