| Title: Pandemic, Debt Accumulation, and a Balance Sheet Approach to Fiscal Analysis in African Countries... Author: Olumuyiwa Adedeji Publisher: Center for Global Development Date of Publication: 2022 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: The Paradox of Gender Equality and Economic Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Role of Land Rights .. Author: Evelyn Wamboye Publisher: Center for Global Development Date of Publication: 2021 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Passer du tabac aux alternatives durables: une stratégie pour autonomiser les agriculteurs zimbabwéens.. Author: ACBF Publisher: ACBF Date of Publication: 2023 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: A PATH TO MAKING AFRICA GREAT AGAIN: TRANSFORMING AFRICA’S TRADE.. Author: DR. BENEDICT O. ORAMAH Publisher: Afreximbank Date of Publication: 2018 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: PATRICK NGOWI: A SUCCESSFUL TANZANIAN YOUNG ENTREPRENEUR IN SOLAR ENERGY SOLUTIONS.. Author: ACBF Publisher: African Community of Practice on Management for Development result at the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) Subject: Entreprenurship Date of Publication: 2017061 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Performance and Competitiveness of Small and Medium Sized Manufacturing Enterprises in Botswana.. Author: Sentsho, J.; Maiketso, J. T.; Sengwaketse, M.; Ndzinge-Anderson, V.; Kayawe, T. Publisher: Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis (BIDPA) Subject: Small and Medium Enterprises , SMEs Date of Publication: 2012 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Perspectives de la gouvernance fnancière en Afrique: GESTION EFFICACE DES FINANCES PUBLIQUES EN VUE DU DÉVELOPPEMENT DURABLE.. Author: ACBF; AFDB Publisher: ACBF Subject: gouvernance fnancière Date of Publication: 2018 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Place, Productivity, and Prosperity : Revisiting Spatially Targeted Policies for Regional Development.. Author: Arti Grover, Somik V. Lall, William F. Maloney Publisher: World Bank Date of Publication: 2022 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Plan Strategique a Moyen Terme 2007-2011.. Author: ACBF Subject: Capacity Development Date of Publication: 2006 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Plan stratégique 2023-2027.. Author: ACBF [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Plan stratégique de l’ACBF 2023-2027:Capacités transformatrices pour une croissance pérenne et inclusive en Afrique.. Author: ACBF Publisher: Fondation pour le Renforcement des Capacités en Afrique Date of Publication: 2023 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Platinum Group Metals (PGMs) Analyzing Recent Price Trends.. [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Policy and Institutional Dimensions of Africa's Political Economy in an Age of Globalization.. Author: ACBF Publisher: ACBF Subject: Africa's Political Economy Date of Publication: 2017 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Policy Brief 1: Building Capacity for Development of Factoring in Africa to accelerate trade development and support AfCFTA .. Author: ACBF Publisher: ACBF Subject: Factoring, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Trade, Trade Financing Instrument Date of Publication: February 2021 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Policy Brief - Green jobs for women in Africa: Opportunities and policy interventions.. Author: African Development Bank Publisher: African Development Bank Subject: Jobs, Policy Date of Publication: 2022 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Policy Brief: Impact of COVID-19 in Africa .. Author: United Nations Publisher: United Nations Subject: COVID 19 Date of Publication: 20200521 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Policy Brief N° 5 : Empowering the Small and Medium Business Ecosystem in Africa: A Holistic Approach to Overcoming Capacity Challenges 2024.. Author: ACBF Publisher: ACBF Date of Publication: 2024 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Policy Brief N° 6 : Lessons from implementing Strategies focusing on capacity development in Africa 2024.. Author: ACBF Publisher: ACBF Date of Publication: 2024 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Policy Brief N° 7 2024 : Bridging the Capacity Gap: Priority Areas for Sustainable Development in Africa 2024.. Publisher: ACBF Date of Publication: 2024 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Policy Dialogue on Fiscal Transparency and Accountability.. Publisher: Zimbabwe Economic Policy Analysis and Research Unit (ZEPARU) Subject: Fiscal Transparency and Accountability Date of Publication: 201812 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Policy implications of the returns to education in Zambia.. Author: Mphuka, Chrispin; Simumba, Joseph Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Educational Policy [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: POLICY PAPER ON NATIONAL STRATEGIES FOR SOUTH-SOUTH AND TRIANGULAR COOPERATION.. Author: Islamic Development Bank Publisher: Islamic Development Bank Subject: Triangular Cooperation, developing economies, Date of Publication: 2021 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: POLICY RESEARCH ON GLOBAL BEST-PRACTICE IN ESTABLISHING AND MANAGING A SOVEREIGN WEALTH FUND IN ZIMBABWE.. Author: Zimbabwe Economic Policy Analysis and Research Unit (ZEPARU) Publisher: Zimbabwe Economic Policy Analysis and Research Unit (ZEPARU) Subject: SOVEREIGN WEALTH FUND MANAGEMENT Date of Publication: 2016 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: POLITICAL DUALISM IN GHANA under the Fourth Republic.. Author: ACBF Publisher: African Community of Practice on Management for Development result at the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) Subject: Politics - Ghana Date of Publication: 2016051 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: The Political Economy of Sustainable Development: The Governance Perspective.. Author: Barclay, Anthony Subject: Governance Date of Publication: 2004 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: The Political Impact of Think Tanks in Africa: Some Insights from ACBF-Supported Think Tanks.. Author: D’Alessandro, Cristina Dr. Publisher: ACBF Subject: Think thanks, Policy Institutes Date of Publication: 2014 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: POLITICAL LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCE FOR RESULTS, Knowledge brief no. 2.. Author: African Community of Practice on Management for Development result at the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) Publisher: African Community of Practice on Management for Development result at the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) Subject: Politics, Governance Date of Publication: 2014 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: The Potential Implications of the Entry of the new Republic of South Sudan into the EAC... Author: RUSUHUZWA, Thomas Kigabo Dr. Publisher: African Research and Resource Forum (ARRF) Subject: Regional Economic Integration and Development [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Poverty and Shared Prosperity 2022: Correcting Course.. Author: World Bank Publisher: World Bank [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Prestation de services de consultation pour la mise à jour, l'édition et la traduction d'un livre sur la création, la gestion et la durabilité des think tanks en Afrique. .. [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: A PRIMER ON QUALITATIVE CAUSAL INFERENCE IN IMPACT EVALUATION DESIGNS: A FOCUS ON QUALITATIVE COMPARATIVE APPROACH AND THE PROCESS-TRACING METHODS, Case Study 50... Author: ACBF Publisher: African Community of Practice on Management for Development result at the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) Subject: IMPACT EVALUATION DESIGNS Date of Publication: 2016050 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Prioritizing Public Spending on Health in Lower-Income Countries: The Role of the Global Financing Facility for Women, Children and Adolescents.. Author: Janeen Madan Keller , Rachel Silverman , Julia Kaufman and Amanda Glassman Publisher: Center for Global Development [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: The Probable Impact on Zimbabwe Mining Fiscal Revenue and Industry Competitiveness of Various Price, Production & Fiscal Scenarios:Incorporating a Quantitative Case Study of the Gold Sector.. Author: Zimbabwe Economic Policy Analysis and Research Unit (ZEPARU) Publisher: Zimbabwe Economic Policy Analysis and Research Unit (ZEPARU) Subject: Mining Date of Publication: 201606 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: .. [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Program Performance Reporting for Managing for Development Results (MFDR).. Author: Monson, Thomas S. Publisher: African Community of Practice on Management for Development result at the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) Subject: Managing for Development Results Date of Publication: 2014 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: PROMOTING CLEAN TECHNOLOGY FOR COOKING IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICAN COUNTRIES LESSONS FROM AFRICAN CLEAN ENERGY.. Author: ACBF Publisher: African Community of Practice on Management for Development result at the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) Subject: Technology Date of Publication: 2016052 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Promoting job-rich urbanisation in Zambia.. Author: ZIPAR Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Employment Creation Date of Publication: 2016 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Promoting Skills Development for Youth in Zambia: A Review of the Landscape of TEVET and Skills Development.. Author: World Bank Publisher: World Bank Subject: Skills, Training, Job Market Date of Publication: 2024 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Property Tax Compliance in Tanzania: Can Nudges Help?.. Author: Matthew Collin, Vincenzo Di Maro, David K. Evans, and Fredrick Manang Publisher: CENTER FOR GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT Date of Publication: 2022 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Protectionism and Gender Inequality in Developing Countries. Policy Research Working Paper.. Author: Artuc, Erhan; Depetris Chauvin, Nicolas; Porto, Guido; Rijkers, Bob Publisher: World Bank Date of Publication: 2021 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Provision of Consultancy Services to update, edit and translate a Book on Creation, Management, and Sustainability of Think Tanks in Africa... [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Provision of Corporate Insurance cover to ACBF for the period 2024-2027.. [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Provision of Corporate Insurance cover to ACBF for the period 2024-2027.. [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Provision of Individual Consultancy Services to develop a Board Evaluation Framework.. [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Provision of Individual Consultancy Services to Draft CERAPE’S Human Resources Policy.. [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: PROVISION OF INTERNAL AUDIT SERVICES TO ACBF.. [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Provision of Security Services Management for ACBF for the period 2024-2027.. [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: PRO-YOUTH POLICIES FOR SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH RIGHTS Lessons from Tanzania.. Author: ACBF Publisher: African Community of Practice on Management for Development result at the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) Subject: Youth and Sexual Reproductive Health Date of Publication: 2017065 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Publication: Global Economic Prospects, January 2024.. Author: World Bank Publisher: World Bank Subject: MACROECONOMICS [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Publication: Global Economic Prospects, June 2024.. Author: World Bank Publisher: World Bank Date of Publication: 2024 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Public Financial Management Reforms in Developing Countries: Lessons o Experience from Ghana, tanzania and Uganda.. Author: ACBF Subject: Financial Sector Development Date of Publication: 2005 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: .. [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: PUBLIC SPENDING COMPOSITION AND PUBLIC SECTOR EFFICIENCY: IMPLICATIONS FOR GROWTH AND POVERTY REDUCTION IN UGANDA.. Author: SENNOGA, Edward. B; MATOVU, John Mary Publisher: Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC) Subject: Poverty Reduction Date of Publication: 2010 [ original document ] [ document information ] |