| Title: Consumption of New and Emerging Tobacco and Nicotine Products in Zambia: Implications for Policy... Author: Shimukunku Manchishi, Edna Kabala and Mulenga Chonzi Mulenga Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Tobacco Control Date of Publication: 2022 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: In Further Pursuit of an IMF-Programme: Possible Pathways for Zambia and Lessons for Africa.. Author: Cheelo, Caesar; Mungomba, Nakubyana Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Economic Growth Date of Publication: 201909 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: The Sales Tax Proposal: Are we Beating a Dead Horse?.. Author: Nalishebo, Shebo; Banda-Muleya, Florence Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Taxation Date of Publication: 201909 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Toward Stability and Growth: A Review of Pillar I & II of Zambia’s Economic Stabilisation and Growth Programme 2017-2019.. Author: Banda-Muleya, Florence; Nalishebo, Shebo; Kalikeka, Mbewe ; Mungomba, Nakubyana; Masilokwa, Ignatious; Cheelo, Caesar Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Economic Growth Date of Publication: 201906 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: The ZIPAR Quarterly Issue 9: Buckle up for National Airline.. Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Transport Date of Publication: 201903 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: More and Better Jobs Flagship Project Final Report.. Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Employment Creation Date of Publication: 201812 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: TAKING THE ROAD LESS TRAVELLED: In Pursuit of Fiscal Consolidation “Delivering Fiscal Consolidation for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth”: Analysis of the 2019 National Budget.. Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Budget Date of Publication: 201810 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: ZIPAR Quarterly Issue 8: In Search of Zambia’s ‘Hidden’ Public Debt.. Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Debt Date of Publication: 201809 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Reversing Zambia’s high risk of debt distress.. Author: Banda-Muleya, Florence; Nalishebo, Shebo Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Debt Date of Publication: 201808 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: REVISITING THE JOBS STORY: EMPLOYMENT TARGETING IN THE MACROECONOMIC FRAMEWORK.. Author: Cheelo, Caesar; llunga, Chipampe M. Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Employment Creation Date of Publication: 201807 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Are Interest Payments on Debt Derailing Fiscal Consolidation?.. Author: Nalishebo, Shebo; Banda-Muleya, Florence Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Debt Date of Publication: 201806 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Promoting job-rich urbanisation in Zambia.. Author: ZIPAR Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Employment Creation Date of Publication: 2016 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: IN THE EYE OF A STORM: The impact of the economic slowdown on the labour market in Zambia.. Author: ZIPAR Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Labour Market Date of Publication: 2016 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: The ZIPAR Quarterly, Issue 3 April 2015.. Author: ZIPAR Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Development Date of Publication: 2015 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: ZIPAR Pull Out Issue 1 October 2015.. Author: ZIPAR Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Energy Date of Publication: 2015 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: The ZIPAR Quarterly, Issue 4 October 2015.. Author: ZIPAR Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Employment Date of Publication: 2015 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: The ZIPAR Quarterly Issue 1, April 2014.. Author: ZIPAR Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Capacity Development Date of Publication: 2014 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: The ZIPAR Quarterly, Issue 2 September 2014.. Author: ZIPAR Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Debt, Trade, Private Sector Development Date of Publication: 2014 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Comparison of Welfare Status of Districts in Zambia.. Author: Masumbu, Gibson; Mahrt, Kristi Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Social Welfare Date of Publication: 2014 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: MAKING PUBLIC TRANSPORT IN LUSAKA CITY MORE EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE.. Author: ROM Engineering Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Transport Date of Publication: 2014 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Accelerating Export Growth in Zambia.. Author: Banda, Bernard; Simumba, Joseph Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Exports Date of Publication: 2013 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: The Birth, Death and Survival of Exports in Zambia 1999 - 2011.. Author: Banda, Bernard; Simumba, Joseph Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Exports Date of Publication: 2013 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Who are the middle class in Zambia?.. Author: Nalishebo, Shebo Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Social Development Date of Publication: 2013 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Economic Profiling of the Creative Industries: A Desk Reviewi.. Author: Nalishebo, Shebo Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Industry Date of Publication: 2013 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Constraints on the demand for youth labour in Zambia.. Author: Koyi, Grayson; Masumbu, Gibson; Halwampa, Albert Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Youth Employment Date of Publication: 2013 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: The distribution of household income and the middle class in Zambia.. Author: ZIPAR Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Income Inequality Date of Publication: 2013 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Mining tax in Zambia.. Author: Manley, David Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Mining Taxation Date of Publication: 2013 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Creating and wasting fiscal space: Zambian fiscal performance 2002–2011.. Author: Whitworth, Alan Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Fiscal management Date of Publication: 2012 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Policy implications of the returns to education in Zambia.. Author: Mphuka, Chrispin; Simumba, Joseph Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Educational Policy [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: What do regional trade reforms mean for Zambia?.. Author: Cheelo, Caesar; Malata, Njeleka; Tembo, Joseph Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Trade [ original document ] [ document information ] |