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Word count: pandemic: 11
11 documents matched the query.

original document
Title: Digital Taxation: can it contribute to more just resource mobilisation in post-pandemic reconstruction? ..
Author: Raymond Onuoha and Alison Gillwald
Publisher: Research ICT Africa
Subject: Digital Taxation, resource mobilisation
Date of Publication: 2022
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: Assessment of Expenditure Choices by Lowand Low-Middle-income Countries During the Pandemic and their Impact on SDGs..
Publisher: Center for Global Development
Subject: COVID: Social and Economic Consequences, Strengthening the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Date of Publication: 2022
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: Small and Medium Enterprises Amidst the Pandemic and Reopening: Digital Edge and Transformation..
Author: Lin William Cong, Xiaohan Yang, Xiaobo Zhang
Publisher: Center for Global Development
Date of Publication: 2021
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on SADC Economy..
Author: Southern African Development Community
Publisher: Southern African Development Community
Subject: COVID 19
Date of Publication: 20200519
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Author: Benedict Clements, Sanjeev Gupta, João Tovar Jalles, and Victor Mylonas
Publisher: Center for Global development
Subject: Debt
Date of Publication: 2022
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: Social Protection in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons from South Africa..
Author: Lena Gronbach, Jeremy Seekings, and Vayda Megannon
Publisher: Center for Global Development
Date of Publication: 2022
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: Capacity Imperatives of Pandemic Responses: Building resilient health systems and ensuring socio-economic transformation in Africa...
Author: Africaan Capacity Building Foundation, Islamic Development Bank
Publisher: African Capacity Building Foundation, Islamic Development Bank
Date of Publication: 2021
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: Costs and Trade-Offs in the Fight Against the COVID-19 Pandemic : A Developing Country Perspective ..
Author: Loayza, Norman V.
Publisher: World Bank
Subject: COVID 19
Date of Publication: 2020
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: Capacity Imperatives of Pandemic Responses: Building a resilient health systems and ensuring socio-economic transformation in Africa...
Author: ACBF
Publisher: African Capacity Building Foundation, Islamic Development Bank
Subject: Pandemic Responses, health systems
Date of Publication: 2021
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: Pandemic, Debt Accumulation, and a Balance Sheet Approach to Fiscal Analysis in African Countries...
Author: Olumuyiwa Adedeji
Publisher: Center for Global Development
Date of Publication: 2022
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: Africa’s 2022 Growth Prospects: Poise under Post-Pandemic and Heightening Geopolitical Pressures..
Author: Dr. Hippolyte Fofack
Subject: Macroeconomic, African Continental Free Trade Area,
Date of Publication: 2022
[ original document ] [ document information ]

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