ACBF Virtual Library
original document
Title: Capacity Imperatives for the SDGs: In line with African Union’s Agenda 2063..
Author: ACBF
Publisher: ACBF
Subject: Sustainable Development Goals , SDGs
Date of Publication: 2019
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: AFRICAN UNION AGENDA 2063 African Critical Technical Skills Key Capacity Dimensions Needed for the First 10 Years of Agenda 2063..
Author: ACBF
Publisher: ACBF
Subject: Capacity Development
Date of Publication: 2016
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: AFRICAN UNION AGENDA 2063 Capacity Development Plan Framework Buttressing Implementation of the First 10-Year Plan—“The Africa We Want”..
Author: ACBF
Publisher: ACBF
Subject: Capacity Development
Date of Publication: 2016
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: AFRICAN UNION AGENDA 2063 Capacity Requirements for the New African Vision Agenda 2063—“The Africa We Want”..
Author: ACBF
Publisher: ACBF
Subject: Capacity Development
Date of Publication: 2016
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: Survey of the Capacity Needs of Africa's Regional Economic Communities And Strategies for Addressing Them..
Author: ACBF
Publisher: ACBF
Subject: Capacity Development, Regional Economic Integration and Development
Date of Publication: 2016
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: Assessment of Internal and External Risks Associated with the Implementation of the African Union's Agenda 2063..
Author: ACBF
Publisher: ACBF
Subject: Capacity Development
Date of Publication: 2015
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: A Digest of OAU-AU Treaties, Conventions, and Agreements, 1963 to 2014..
Author: ACBF
Publisher: ACBF
Subject: International Treaties
Date of Publication: 2015
[ original document ] [ document information ]

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