| Title | Challenges in the Building of Public Service Capacity in Africa | Author | Obadan, Mike I. | Subject | Public Administration | Date of Publication | 2005 | Number of Pages | 25 pages | Language | English | Geographical Coverage | Africa, Nigeria | Keywords | Public Service, Capacity Building, Public Sector | Abstract | The concept of “capacity building” has become one of the popular phrases in the development discourse. According to InfoCotonou (Sept., 2003), a newsletter of the European Centre for Development Policy Management, “governments, non-state actors, and (foreign) donors all tend to invoke capacity problems to explain why policies fail to deliver, or why aid is not generating sustainable impacts. Reports of conferences on every possible subject generally include a host of capacity building recommendations in their conclusions. Capacity issues are omnipresent in national development plans, poverty reduction strategy papers (PRSP), and in all sorts of donor policy documents”. Economic and social conditions in Africa are such that the continent has continued to manifest glaring features of economic and social difficulties, underdevelopment, and marginalisation in the global economy. The specific features that the continent has continued to exhibit include low growth rates and declining per capita incomes, high incidence of poverty, rapid population growth, environmental degradation, external debt burden, large fiscal and external imbalances, undiversified production structures and heavy reliance on traditional and low-productivity primary product exports, and official development assistance. | Copyright Holder | ACBF | Copyright URL | http://www.acbf-pact.org | Filesize | 342525 MB | File Format | PDF | [ View / download original document ] |