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TitleAfrica Capacity Report 2014: Capacity Imperatives for Regional Integration in Africa
SubjectCapacity Development, Regional Integration
Date of Publication2014
Number of Pages222 pages
Geographical CoverageAfrica
KeywordsRegional Economic Communities, RECs, Africa Development Agenda, Agenda 2063, Knowledge Sharing, Intra regional Trade, Cross Border Projects and Programs, Africa Economic Community, Capacity Indicators, Regulatory and Institutional Reforms for Africa
AbstractThe Africa Capacity Report (ACR) and its supporting indicators offer inputs for decisions on what to finance to develop capacity. Most countries are doing well on their policy environments and having processes in place to implement policies. Countries are doing less well on achieving development results and least on capacity development outcomes. The Report and its indicators also point to the regulatory and institutional reforms needed to better support public?private partnerships in capacity investment and building?and to the investments needed to further strengthen public administration. And they spotlight the importance of political will to enhance social inclusion and development. Each Report showcases an annual theme of key importance to Africa's development agenda. This year the focus is on the capacity imperatives for regional integration, a core mandate of the ACBF, and on the capacities of the regional economic communities (RECs). The Report outlines what is needed to strengthen the RECs. Integrate capacity building in wider efforts to achieve sustainable development. Assure adequate administrative and financial resources. Emphasize the retention and use of skills, not just their acquisition. And monitor and evaluate all efforts to develop capacity. The capacity dimensions and imperatives for regional integration are crucial today as countries, RECs, specialized regional institutions, and regional development organizations, are developing strategic regional frameworks and building capacity to pursue regional integration across the continent. The ACBF's many regionally oriented interventions help move the regional integration agenda forward by strengthening the RECs as platforms for harmonizing policy and enhancing trade among member countries.
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