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TitreUnveiling the Socio-Economic Impact of Smoking in Malawi: A Call for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Measures
Date de publication2023
Nombre de pages4
RésuméThe rising consumption of tobacco products is contributing to a significant increase in tobacco-related deaths and illnesses in the country. The study '' The Socio-economic impact of disease burden due to smoking in Malawi'' reveals that Illness related to smoking results in three impacts for smokers and their families: direct ill health of the smoker and family members; economic burden for the smoker, their family and the community; and mental health effects. It is recommended the government and other stakeholders put in place nationwide initiatives aimed at preventing smoking initiation, and those aimed at sensitizing and educating the general public about the risks associated with tobacco use.
Taille du fichier1135941 MB
Format du fichierPDF
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