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TitleInclusive Education in Africa’s Regular Primary Schools
Date of Publication2017079
PublisherAfrican Community of Practice on Management for Development result at the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF)
Number of Pages5 pages
Geographical CoverageKenya
KeywordsPrimary School Education, disabilities and learning, disabilities and Education, Inclusive education
AbstractInclusive education – when children with and without disabilities learn together in the same class – is important for socioeconomic development. The objective of this case study is to explain what it is all about, to distinguish it from special education, and to highlight the challenges in implementing it. The study also highlights the benefits of putting children with some form of handicap in schools for the non-handicapped and explains how to deal with a mixture of handicapped and non-handicapped children. Key findings. Inadequate resources, too few teachers, and negative attitudes and perceptions laden with cultural beliefs are the general challenges affecting inclusive education. Inclusive education occurs when there is ongoing advocacy, planning, support, and commitment. Key lessons. Inclusion has increased the number of children accessing education, the literacy rate at community level, and positive perceptions toward disability, and has enabled learners to appreciate each other’s strength and weaknesses. Key recommendations. For inclusive education to succeed, the focus of educational leaders should be on: creating an inclusive learning environment; building facilities and infrastructure with positive impacts on teaching and learning for pupils and teachers; establishing goals for the curriculum; developing relevant content; ensuring effective pedagogy; considering the language of instruction; and developing a sound assessment policy. It is also important to supply and distribute learning materials and provide a secure physical environment with enough facilities.
Copyright HolderAfrican Community of Practice (AfCoP)
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Filesize609271 MB
File FormatPDF
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