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TitleAfrica Capacity Bulletin: Issue 3, May - June 2014
SubjectCapacity Development
Date of Publication2014
Number of Pages11 pages
Geographical CoverageAfrica
KeywordsMEFMI, Financial Management Capacity, Rwanda and Capacity Development, East Africa Business Council, Economic Integration, African Union Commission, AUC, Capacity Building Framework, Cross-border trade, Australia Africa Community Engagement Scheme, AACES, Australia Department of Foreign Affairs, DFAT, Africa Community of Practice, AfCOP, Communiqué of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the ACBF Board of Governors
AbstractA bi-monthly bulletin on capacity development issues from African Capacity Development Foundation (ACBF) that keeps you up to-date on latest activities, networking and knowledge sharing taking place in the Foundation. The bulletin?s theme is ?Securing Africa through Capacity Development". Stories in this issue cover the ACBF grant helping MEFMI build sound financial management capacity; Rwanda's capacity development journey; ACBF helping East Africa Business Council to achieve economic integration; ACBF continues to champion AUC's capacity building initiatives; ACBF's prtnership with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade; G20 can impact ordinary Africans more positively; Africa Community of Practice (AfCOP) pubishes 4 Knowledge Briefs and 6 Case Studies; ACBF Board of Govenors canvasses improved capacity for domestic resource mobilisation and the Communique of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the ACBF Board of Governors
Copyright HolderACBF
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Filesize833052 MB
File FormatPDF
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