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TitreTax Evasion and Widening the Tax Base in Uganda
AuteurSennoga, Edward ; Matovu, John M ; Twimukye, Evarist
Date de publication2009
ÉditeurEconomic Policy Research Centre (EPRC)
Nombre de pages41 pages
Couverture géographiqueUganda
Mots clésEconomic Growth, Tax Evasion
RésuméUganda still lags way behind in its tax collections at the domestic level. For most of the commodities the tax collection effort is not more than 5 percent relative to the statutory rate of 18 percent. This results into a situation where the government has to rely a lot on foreign financing. From the analysis, there is a lot of improvement where URA can be able to increase its tax effort. This could be achieved by targeting commodities that are under-taxed and excluding food items for equity purposes. Increasing domestic tax collection would also result into less overreliance on taxing a few commodities especially fuel which is interlinked with a lot of other sectors and could indeed harm growth in the long-run. We also find that the tax effort on imports is sufficient. However, import duties on fuel remain very high and this could be a symptom of the poor domestic tax collection.
Détenteur du copyrightEconomic Policy Research Centre (EPRC)
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Taille du fichier253133 MB
Format du fichierPDF
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