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TitleMEFMI Forum Issue 7, 2009
SubjectMacroeconomic and Financial Management
Date of Publication200901
PublisherMacroeconomic and Financial Management Institute of Eastern and Southern Africa (MEFMI)
Number of Pages36 pages
Geographical CoverageAfrica
KeywordsDomestic Financial Markets, Foreign Currency Deposit Accounts, Financial Programming as a Policy Management
AbstractIn the face of the current global crisis, the year 2009 is bound to present unprecedented economic challenges to many developing countries. In the MEFMI region, these challenges are compunded by the fact that, our economies are at various development stages and they have their inherent problems that still require mitigation strategies to be identified and implemented. Consequently the papers in this addition present different perspectives on the prevailing challenges in the MEFMI region.
Copyright HolderMacroeconomic and Financial Management Institute of Eastern and Southern Africa (MEFMI)
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Filesize765277 MB
File FormatPDF
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