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TitleSUMMARY REPORT OECD netFWD Africa Philanthropy Day
Date of Publication2024
Number of Pages37
AbstractThis paper builds on the first ever OECD Africa Philanthropy Day. The event took place on 30 October 2023, back-to-back with the 22nd edition of the OECD African Union Commission International Economic Forum on Africa. It was organised by the OECD Network of Foundations Working for Development (netFWD) in partnership with the African Capacity Building Foundation, the African Climate Foundation and the Agence Française de Développement. This report brings together some of the main insights shared as part of the event and contextualises them within a broader review of the literature on philanthropic activity as part of a thematic approach. Specifically, it examines the characteristics of African philanthropy, how to encourage giving in Africa, how to move beyond grants and how to promote partnerships for development. Key examples of how philanthropic foundations are contributing to the fight against climate change, the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2063 are integrated throughout. The report also includes recommendations for the different actors seeking to leverage philanthropy for Africa?s sustainable development transformation. The report was written under the guidance of Bathylle Missika, Head of the Networks, Partnerships and Gender Division at the OECD Development Centre. The research for this report was led by Gaëlle Ferrant and Esme Stout. We would like to thank our colleagues and partners for reviewing early drafts: Emma Raiteri (OECD), Elsa Duret and Ophélie Bourhis (Agence Française de Développement) and Barassou Diawara (African Capacity Building Foundation). We would also like to thank Henri-Bernard Solignac-Lecomte, Elizabeth Nash, Aida Buendia and Delphine Grandrieux from the Development Communications team for design and editorial contributions. This research was made possible through financial contributions from Agence Française de Développement.
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