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TitreUpcoming Africa Capacity Report 2016 on “Building capacity in science, technology and innovation (STI) for Africa’s transformation”
AuteurMunthali, Thomas C. Dr.
ThèmeCapacity Development, Science, Technology and Innovation
Date de publication2016
Nombre de pages20 pages
Couverture géographiqueAfrica
Mots clésAfrica Capacity Report 2016, Agenda 2063, Agenda 2030, 10-year Science,Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa (STISA-2024), Knowledge Production Dissemination and Utilization
RésuméA brown bag seminar presentation on the forthcoming Africa Capacity Report 2016 entitled “Building capacity in science, technology and innovation (STI) for Africa’s transformation”. The purpose of the seminar was to create awareness on the importance of capacity for science, technology and innovation, get buy-in from the participants and attract interest to contribute to the production and dissemination of the report. The presentation outlines how science, technology and innovation fit into continental and global agendas of Agenda 2063 and Agenda 2030. Pertinent questions raised by the presenter include: What do you want to see in the ACR2016?, What strategic partnership can help successful production of ACR2016? and any institutions which might add value?
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