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TitleAfrica Capacity Indicators 2013: Capacity Development For Natural Resource Management
SubjectCapacity Development, Natural Resource Management
Date of Publication2013
Number of Pages506 pages
Geographical CoverageAfrica
KeywordsForestry, Land, Water, Minerals, Petroleum, Climate Change, Green Economy
AbstractThe 2013 Report is the third in a series, focuses on an issue of great importance to Africa: natural resource management. The Report is holistic, yet focused on what African countries need to do individually and collectively to achieve effective management and good governance of the continent's vast natural resource wealth. The discussion covers both renewable and non-renewable endowments,with specific focusonforests, land, water, solid minerals,andpetroleum resources.The Report offers analysis of the critical perspectives and contemporary academic and policy debates on the natural resource value chain, including emerging issues such as climate change and green economy. Pragmatic approaches based on original problem solving in different contexts are also presented in each chapter of the Report. To keep the emphasis relevant to the 2012 Africa Capacity Indicators Report, Capacity Development for Agricultural Transformation and Food Security, this volume gives particular attention to issues of capacity development and policy choices for ?green growth.? The Report, in essence, links the natural resource management discussion with the themes of the two previous ACI Reports (ACIR2011, on state fragility, and ACIR2012, on agricultural transformationandfood security).
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