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TitreDigital Senegal for Inclusive Growth : Technological Transformation for Better and More Jobs. International Development in Focus
AuteurMarcio Cruz, Mark A. Dutz, and Carlos Rodríguez-Castelán
Date de publication2021
ÉditeurWorld Bank
Nombre de pages151
RésuméDigital Senegal for Inclusive Growth explores possible solutions for a more intensive use of digital technologies, especially by small and medium enterprises, to increase their productivity and create more quality jobs. The report will contribute to helping women and young people in particular to gain access to decent work and therefore reduce their exposure to poverty. Appropriate use of this report will make it possible to succeed in the challenges of digital transformation, especially in the context of a relatively young population that is more open to innovation and change.
Taille du fichier3672758 MB
Format du fichierPDF
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