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TitreResult Oriented Proposal Development for Restricted Funding
AuteurGennrich, Nicolas
ThèmeResource Mobilization
Date de publication20171005
Nombre de pages32 pages
Couverture géographiqueAfrica
Mots clésProject Management, Project Proposals, Proposal Development
RésuméResult based proposal development is a core part within the context of business development and resource mobilization, which at these times are crucial for ACBF. Having worked now for a month at ACBF I had the chance of making an unofficial needs assessment in my mind concerning developing concept notes and proposals, specifically related to structuring, being in donor compliance, making proposals marketable and catching in the sense that the donor at a glance can see the value for money. I can see very good knowledge and achievements but still more needs to be done to attract donors through concept notes and proposals. Therefore, I raised the idea and offered myself to lead a workshop combing a presentation with practical exercises on a project Log-Frame and preliminary budget. This workshop will go alongside the proposal template that I introduced but cover many additional aspects such as donor requirements and compliance, quality assurance and enhancement and the process of proposal development. The overall goal of this workshop is that staff members are enabled to contribute to outstanding quality of proposals achieving a higher extent of competitiveness on part of ACBF.
Détenteur du copyrightACBF
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Taille du fichier561168 MB
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