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TitreAnnual Report on IGAD Economies : Macroeconomic Developments, Climatic Shocks, and the State of Food Security in IGAD 2018
AuteurThe Horn Economic and Social Policy Institute - HESPI
Date de publication2018
ÉditeurThe Horn Economic and Social Policy Institute - HESPI
RésuméThe Intergovernmental Authority for Development (IGAD) is a regional bloc formed by eight countries in the horn of Africa region (Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, and Uganda). The region is highly vulnerable to recurrent climatic and human-made shocks. Historically, social crisis and loss of lives from such shocks have been massive. Recent experiences, however, are promising in that joint efforts of governments, regional institutions, development partners, humanitarian organizations, donor communities, have managed to curtail the climatic shocks from causing excessive damage to the Region. This report on IGAD Economies has, thus, picked the state of climatic shocks and food security as a timely thematic topic worth reviewing. The report also provides an overview of the macroeconomic landscape of the Region. The first part of the report highlights key developments in the IGAD economies.
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