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TitleThe Strategic Plan 2023 - 2027
SubjectStrategic plan
Date of Publication2023
Number of Pages74
KeywordsStrategy, 2023-2027, Climate Change and Energy for Productive Use, Agribusiness and Food Sovereignty, Trade as an Engine of Economic Development, Economic and Social Governance
AbstractThis document presents the Strategic Plan of the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) for the period 2023-2027. The Plan was developed following consultations with our key stakeholders, including member states, partners, and members of the Executive Board and ACBF staff. It also builds upon the conclusions of an independent background study commissioned to identify Africa?s key development priorities over the next five years and the major capacity development challenges that need to be tackled for countries to successfully deliver on their national development plans. These strategic conversations and research findings revealed an extensive array of capacity development priorities to be addressed in order to support Africa?s transformation process. In selecting the impact areas for this Plan, we were guided by the ethos behind the creation of our Institution, the priority areas identified during the consultations with our key stakeholders, the findings of the background research, the analyses carried out and trends uncovered during the strategy development process. The outcomes of the consultations, study and analysis point to Africa-specific issues such as insecurity and terrorism in many areas of the continent, rapid population growth, insufficient job creation, growing climate and health threats. There is also persistent energy poverty, slow economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and the continued effects of traditional beliefs and practices such as female genital mutilation. These issues were further compounded by the intensifying United States-China rivalry, the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war and the attendant economic shocks, particularly high inflationary pressure, rising food and energy insecurity, and soaring cost of living across the continent. Conversely, the findings also revealed Africa?s unique comparative advantages, such as its youthful and dynamic youth, its rapid urbanization and expanding middle class, and its rich endowment in natural and strategic resources, including those that are vital for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and their potential for value creation and transformation. There was also the launch on 1 January 2021 of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), which is set to become the continent?s new engine of growth and integration. In addition, there is continuing commitment to the United Nations Global Agenda 2030 and the vision underpinning the African Union Agenda 2063 of ?an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in the global arena.? (AU Agenda 2063) It is against this backdrop that our Strategic Plan 2023-2027 proposes a purpose-driven approach to capacity development, with the aim of building the required human capital and institutional strength for transformative change in four priority impact areas, namely Climate Change and Energy for Productive Use; Agribusiness and Food Sovereignty; Trade as an Engine of Economic Development and Economic and Social Governance. This is an ambitious Strategic Plan but one that is commensurate with the scale and importance of capacity development in Africa.
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