| Title | MAINSTREAMING MANAGING FOR DEVELOPMENT RESULTS Where Do We Start? Lessons from Tanzania | Author | ACBF | Subject | MANAGING FOR DEVELOPMENT RESULTS | Date of Publication | 2017077 | Publisher | African Community of Practice on Management for Development result at the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) | Number of Pages | 9 pages | Language | English | Geographical Coverage | Tanzania | Keywords | Leadership for results, Planning for results, Institutional capacity for development results, Rapid Results Approach | Abstract | Managing for Development Results (MfDR) is one of the key development approaches expected to assist African countries in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. MfDR has been used mostly in the international development organizations and by some African countries. This case study features the challenges and lessons that the Tanzanian government faced while trying to mainstream MfDR principles in delivering public services. The objective is to share knowledge so that other African countries with similar goals of mainstreaming MfDR can avoid policy pitfalls. It describes approaches and techniques mainly in areas where Tanzania has done well: leadership, planning, and institutional capacity. Key findings. The government prioritized in its Big Results Now strategy only six sectors. This allowed the effective use of limited available resources and provided space for experimenting and learning. Key lessons. Strong support from both the top and lower leadership levels is necessary to ensure that MfDR implementation is steady and sustainable. MfDR reforms must be prioritized by the state and must complement existing initiatives, strategies, and national development plans, as in Tanzania. Key recommendations. Building the capacity of institutions and human resources for MfDR is critical and African capacity building institutions should help in providing training and access to operational capacity and business systems | Copyright Holder | African Community of Practice (AfCoP) | Copyright URL | http://www.acbf-pact.org | Filesize | 732656 MB | File Format | PDF | [ View / download original document ] |