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TitleFROM CIVIC EDUCATION TO ANTI-CORRUPTION EDUCATION Building on the Experiences of South Africa and Tanzania
Date of Publication2017085
PublisherAfrican Community of Practice on Management for Development result at the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF)
Number of Pages9 pages
Geographical CoverageSouth Africa, Tanzania
AbstractCorruption remains a major challenge for development in Africa. People worldwide perceive corruption as a widespread problem. Over the last two decades, anti-corruption and related education were almost absent from the development policy agenda, and only minimally included in discussions on the Millennium Development Goals and Sustainable Development Goals. Today, there is a growing demand from citizens for greater transparency and accountability leading to the importance of putting in place civic education programs. This paper seeks to put anti-corruption education on the main agenda of civic education in Africa. Key findings. Colonial education system in general and civic education in particular in colonial South Africa and Tanzania were used to block dialogue between communities. Most education was thus based on local content, and young people were socialized to belonging to their communities. The aim was to suppress nationalism and promote ethnic chauvinism. The sum of this distortion was that, in both countries, Africans were taught that they were foreigners in their own countries. Key lessons. African states need to understand that civic education is essential to sustain their constitutional calls for democracy. Democracies are sustained by citizens who have the requisite knowledge, skills, and dispositions. Absent a reasoned commitment on the part of its members to the fundamental values and principles of democracy, a free and open society cannot succeed. Civic education is very important and coordination is required at regional and continental levels to develop a common approach to its development and delivery. Key recommandations. Research needs to be supported to identify models of civic education that work and those that have failed. Regional capacity building institutions are called upon to support African states to design and implement civic education programs that will make anti-corruption the main agenda of civic education in Africa.
Copyright HolderAfrican Community of Practice (AfCoP)
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