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TitreAfrica's Pulse, No. 26, October 2022 : Food System Opportunities in a Turbulent Time
AuteurCalderon, Cesar; Kabundi, Alain; Kubota, Megumi; Korman, Vijdan; Goyal, Aparajita; Eliste, Paavo; Forget, Vanina Daphne
Date de publication2022
ÉditeurWorld Bank
Nombre de pages108
RésuméAfrican economies are facing a series of challenges to their post-pandemic recovery. Economic activity in the region is slowing to 3.3 percent amid global headwinds, including weak global growth and tightening global financial conditions. Elevated inflation rates and resulting policy tightening, as well as the rising risk of debt distress, are also impacting economic activity. While food insecurity in Sub-Saharan Africa was increasing before the onset of Covid-19, the pandemic and the food and energy crisis have contributed to the recent steep increase in food insecurity and malnutrition. Climate shocks, low productivity in agriculture, lack of infrastructure also contribute to rising food insecurity in the region. The economic fallout from the multiple crises affecting the region has lowered household incomes, increased poverty, widen inequality and heightened food insecurity. This report discusses short-term measures combined with medium- to long-term policy actions that can strengthen African countries' capacity to build resilience and seize opportunities to unlock productivity-enhancing growth while protecting the poor and vulnerable.
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