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TitreEconomics of Tobacco control in Africa: A compendium of country case studies.
ThèmeTobacco control
Date de publication2023
Nombre de pages58
RésuméThis publication is a compendium of case studies on the economics of tobacco control in Africa. The publication was supported by the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) through think tanks across the continent of Africa. The compendium consolidates these various studies, compiling the insights into a structured and holistic report. It aims to present the findings comprehensively, facilitating a more in-depth understanding of the economics of tobacco control in the African context. For instance, research in Benin evaluated illicit tobacco trade, while a Nigerian study modelled the fiscal and health effects of tax changes on tobacco. In East Africa, Kenya’s excisable goods management system and its role in tobacco control were assessed, while a Ugandan study investigated the impact of taxation on tobacco consumption. Studies from Malawi and Botswana further explored the socio-economic impact of tobacco-related disease and the responsiveness of cigarette demand to price changes, respectively. These studies collectively provide critical insights for policy interventions across Africa. By highlighting key findings and messages from these nationally relevant studies, the compendium is an invaluable resource for policymakers, researchers, and other stakeholders invested in effective tobacco control in Africa.
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© 2015 Fondation pour le renforcement des capacités en Afrique| Tous droits réservés. ISSN: 2310-7960