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TitreA Survey of the Capacity Needs of Africa’s Regional Economic Communities
ThèmeRegional Economic Integration and Development
Date de publication2008
Nombre de pages438 pages
Couverture géographiqueAfrica
Mots clésRECs, CEMAC, CEN SAD, COMESA, EAC, ECCAS, ECOWAS, IGAD, SADC, UEMOA, NEPAD, UNECA, AFRICAN UNION, AU, Capacity development, Regional Economic Communities
RésuméThe book delves deep into the institutional, human and financial dimensions of the capacity constraints affecting the ability of the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) to implement NEPAD's Short-Term Action Plan (STAP) projects and other related programs. The study, which is based on a detailed analysis of the needs of nine RECs, examines the scale and scope of their capacity deficits. The findings point to serious institutional constraints that are capable of rendering any capacity enhancement exercise ineffective, if not attended to.
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Taille du fichier3219840 MB
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