| Title | ENHANCING THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PRIVATE SECTOR FOR INCLUSIVE GROWTH AND JOB CREATION IN THE IGAD | Author | Osman Sheikh Ahmed | Date of Publication | 2017 | Publisher | The Horn Economic and Social Policy Institute (HESPI) | Number of Pages | 43 | Abstract | The objective of this study is to examine the private sector, a key vehicle for embarking on a sustained growth path, and explore ways of enhancing the development of the sector and its contribution to the overall development goals of countries in the region—sustained growth, job creation and poverty reduction. The study examines the current status and performance of the private sector in IGAD states, drawing commonalities and contrasts between countries, and analyzing the main impediments and constraints it faces and how those can be overcome. It also examines the role that regional integration can plan in opening opportunities for trade and investment. The study makes broad proposals, at the policy level, for moving forward on an agenda for private sector development (PSD). Those proposals are intended to provide a basis for deeper discussion by policy-makers and key stakeholders, on developing a holistic regional strategy and action plans for PSD. The study report covers Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and Uganda. Sudan and South Sudan are not included mainly because of lack of data. While there is also very little data and information on Somalia’s economy, there is more available on the private sector, which has drawn a lot of attention for its performance under a situation of absence of effective state authority. | Filesize | 3452601 MB | File Format | PDF | [ View / download original document ] |