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TitreSocial Cash Transfers for the Poorest in Uganda
AuteurSennoga, Edward; Matovu, John M. ; Twimukye, Evarist
ThèmePoverty Reduction
Date de publication38 pages
ÉditeurEconomic Policy Research Centre (EPRC)
Nombre de pages38 pages
Couverture géographiqueUganda
Mots clésCash Transfers
RésuméThis paper mainly focuses on the various ways through which a social cash transfer program can be designed and financed. We identify four types of households which are considered to be vulnerable to be targeted with cash transfers. This includes households with orphans, old individuals, young and labor constrained. Extending a cash transfer to these households would lead to less poverty over the simulation period. These programs which would be constrained to less than 0.5 percent of GDP would have a small impact on the overall economy. By increasing taxes to finance the program this would wipe out the potential benefits of the cash transfer program of reducing poverty.
Détenteur du copyrightEconomic Policy Research Centre (EPRC)
Copyright URL
Taille du fichier213499 MB
Format du fichierPDF
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