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TitreThe Critical Role of Capacity Building in Achieving Sustainable Development in Africa
AuteurAhmed, Allam; Hanson, Kobena
ThèmeCapacity Development
Date de publication2011
Nombre de pages10 pages
Couverture géographiqueAfrica
Mots clésMDGs, Sustainable Development, Capacity Building, Leadership, Innovation, Education, Training and Skills Development, Science and Technology, Kigali Resolution
RésuméToday, more so than ever before, the African Continent is confronted with many challenges on its path to sustained growth and development. There is no denying the fact that Africa needs to substantially improve growth performance if it is to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). These various challenges facing Africa’s sustainable development were the main focus of the 20th Anniversary Summit of the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) held in the picturesque city of Kigali, Rwanda3 - under the theme ‘The Future of Africa is Now! The Critical Role of Capacity Development.’ The aim of this introductory paper of the special issue is to provide a summary of the key presentations from the Summit with special focus on leadership, innovation and the role of the private sector and science and technology, networks of skills and knowledge, rebuilding after conflict, and sustainable support to capacity development. Moreover the paper will also provide a summary of the steps outlined by the summit to build capacities for emerging challenges beyond the MDG. The paper will also include an overview of the ACBF’s flagship publication-Africa Capacity Indicators Report (ACIR) launched during the Summit and finally conclude by highlighting a key outcome of the Summit - ‘Kigali Resolution’.
Détenteur du copyrightWorld Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development (WJEMSD)
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