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TitreMining Sector Policy Study
AuteurChigumira, Gibson; Jourdan, Paul ; Kwesu, Isaac ; Chipumho, Erinah
Date de publication2012
ÉditeurZimbabwe Economic Policy Analysis and Research Unit (ZEPARU)
Nombre de pages149 pages
Couverture géographiqueZimbabwe
Mots clésMinerals, Gold, Diamond, Minerals marketing, Mining Legislation, Mineral Governance, Mining Policy
RésuméZimbabwe has a rich and diverse minerals resource base that could be (and should be) an important contributor to sustainable growth and development. The sector has rebounded dramatically from the hyperinflation economic crisis (2006-8) and with “dollarisation” (2009) the value of mineral production has increased six-fold to about $3 billion in 2011. However, if this increased mining activity is to ultimately result in more than just “holes-in-the-ground”, the crucial mineral linkages need to be realised whilst the resources are still extant. In order to optimise the economic linkages the current “colonial” minerals governance regime (“free mining”) needs to be fundamentally overhauled to both encourage the discovery of new mineral deposits and to maximise the developmental impact of known mineral assets through public tender against developmental outcomes. In this regard a Mineral Cadastre Information Management System (MCIMS) needs to be established as soon as possible.
Détenteur du copyrightZimbabwe Economic Policy Analysis and Research Unit (ZEPARU)
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Taille du fichier2282889 MB
Format du fichierPDF
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