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TitleGender based Violence Awareness in the Church
AuthorPiringondo, Auxilia
SubjectGender-based violence
Date of Publication2014
PublisherAfrican Community of Practice on Management for Development result at the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF)
Number of Pages5 pages
Geographical CoverageZimbabwe, Africa
KeywordsGender Violence and Religion, sexual Violence, GBV
AbstractGender-based violence (GBV) means physical, sexual, emotional or psychological violence carried out against a person because of that person?s gender. Spousal violence is usually gender-based and is carried out by a spouse. While GBV is generally by a male on a female, it may also be female on male. A study by UNAIDS in 2011 highlighted that at least 60% of women in Africa have experienced physical and sexual violence from their most recent spouse or live-in partner. GBV has a number of negative implications in the community. It may have profound effects ? direct and indirect ? on a woman's reproductive health, including: Unwanted pregnancies and restricted access to family planning information and contraceptives ; Unsafe abortion or injuries sustained during a legal abortion after an unwanted pregnancy ! Complications from frequent, high-risk pregnancies and lack of follow-up care ;Sexually transmitted infections, including HIV; Persistent gynecological problems; Psychological problems. A study in Zimbabwe showed that 60% of murder cases that went through the courts were due to domestic violence (Getecha et. al 1995). In most cases women fail to report any form of abuse because of financial dependency and also because the society condones wife battery and is not regarded as abuse but a ?close family matter? that should not be interfered with. Sometimes women are afraid of getting a divorce after reporting their husbands? abuse. In some instances in Zimbabwe what the society says about a woman matters to the woman?s social life therefore if people get to know that they are being abused they are afraid they will be looked down upon. This project was therefore targeted to community members in the church because it was easy to reach to them in large numbers.
Copyright HolderAfrican Community of Practice (AfCoP)
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