ACBF Virtual Library
original document
Title: African Tax Administration Paper;28The Tax Response to COVID-19 in Ethiopia: Lessons for the Future..
Author: Akalu, M.; Gashaw, M. and Asegid, Z
Publisher: Institute of Development Studies
Date of Publication: 2023
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: Trade Policy for Sustainable and Inclusive Agriculture...
Author: Anna Sands, Julia Turner and Amrita Saha
Publisher: Institute of Development Studies
Subject: Trade
Date of Publication: 2023
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: Citizen Voice and the Arts: Opportunities and Challenges for Citizen?Policy Engagement on Environmental Issues in Sahelian West Africa..
Author: Bellwood-Howard, I.; Taylor, P.; Doyle, J.; Niang, A.; Ndiaye, H.; Sow, F. and Sountoura, L.
Publisher: Institute of Development Studies
Date of Publication: 2023
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: Decolonising Knowledge for Development in the Covid-19 Era..
Author: Peter Taylor and Crystal Tremblay
Publisher: Institute of Development Studies
Date of Publication: 2022
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: Food Security and Nutrition Inequities in the Context of Agricultural Commercialisation in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Narrative Literature Review..
Author: Jessica Gordon
Publisher: Institute of Development Studies
Date of Publication: 2022
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: Renewable energy procurement by Private Suppliers in Ethiopia..
Author: Seife Ayele and Wei Shen
Publisher: Institute of Development Studies
Date of Publication: 2022
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