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TitleThe ZIPAR Quarterly, Issue 4 October 2015
Date of Publication2015
PublisherZambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR)
Number of Pages24 pages
Geographical CoverageZambia
KeywordsUnemployment, Skills mismatch, Foreign Currency , Industrialization, Jobs
AbstractWelcome to issue 4 of the ZIPAR Quarterly. Employment is the red thread throughout this issue in particular the ZIPAR Flagship project on “More and Better Jobs”. The issue highlights Zambia’s jobs’ challenge, how ZIPAR will help the Government respond to the scale of the challenge by drawing on expertise from across Zambian society from the private sector to civil society and from Government to universities, to develop a blueprint for creating “More and Better Jobs” for Zambians. This issue also contains articles on Zambia’s Eurobonds. The articles present risks that are imminent and provide measures that should be taken to mitigate the risks. Equally interesting is a commentary on Industrialisation which gives insights on what Zambia and SADC must do in order to boost industrialization and improve their share of export trade.
Copyright HolderZambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR)
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Filesize1623998 MB
File FormatPDF
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