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TitreElements of BestPractice National Statistical Systems and Practices - A Guide to Statistical Capacity Building in Africa
ThèmeStatistics and Indicators
Date de publication2008
Nombre de pages06 pages
Couverture géographiqueAfrica
Mots clésCapacity Building
RésuméThe paper presents key results of a study that reviewed national statistical systems and practices in all 53 African countries with a view to providing a guide to the Operations Departments of the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) in the choice of countries and results indicators in the building of statistical capacity in Africa. Undertaken by ACBF Knowledge Management Department and led by the Foundation’s Technical Advisory Panel and Network on National Statistics and Statistical Systems (STATNET), the study had as a primary objective the identification of countries, as well as national statistical systems and practices that could serve as the continent’s emerging best practices and thus benchmarks against which performance can be measured in the strengthening of the capacity of countries with weak statistical capacity. To this end, the study reviewed recent statistical developments in Africa, particularly efforts made by countries to reform their statistical systems. It highlighted the qualities of countries that can be ranked as best performers in the reform of their statistical systems, and drew lessons from their experiences. The study also provided some guide in response to questions as to why African countries need to reform their statistical systems; factors driving the need for reform; how reforming countries are responding to challenges; and countries that can be regarded as emerging best practices to which others can aspire.
Détenteur du copyrightACBF
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