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TitreSMTP III: ACBF's Third Strategic Medium Term Plan 2012 -2016
ThèmeCapacity Development
Date de publication2011
Nombre de pages50 pages
Mots clésACBF Strategic Plan, ACBF Strategy, Institutional Capacity, Institution Building
RésuméACBF’ third medium term strategic plan for 2012-16 has been developed to address the key challenges the continent will be facing in the coming years, refining and refocusing the operations of ACBF, and repositioning the Foundation as a leader, major partner, and center of excellence for capacity development in Africa
Détenteur du copyrightACBF
Copyright URL
Taille du fichier965322 MB
Format du fichierPDF
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© 2015 Fondation pour le renforcement des capacités en Afrique| Tous droits réservés. ISSN: 2310-7960