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TitreOur Journey to Success
ThèmeCapacity Development, Poverty Reduction
Date de publication2012
Nombre de pages28 pages
Couverture géographiqueAfrica
Mots clésACBF, Success Stories
RésuméThe African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) has made great strides over the past two decades in becoming one of the leading capacity development organizations on the continent, empowering professionals and leaders, as well as strengthening capacities of government, parliaments, civil society, private and higher learning institutions in more than 40 countries. Knowledge and skills have been addressed with the focus on development challenges like poverty, economic growth and job creation. The booklet outlines ACBF's success stories.
Détenteur du copyrightACBF
Copyright URL
Taille du fichier2605363 MB
Format du fichierPDF
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