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TitleAFRICA’S EMIGRATION CRISIS Implications for Capacity Building
SubjectEmigration and Capacity Building
Date of Publication2017084
PublisherAfrican Community of Practice on Management for Development result at the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF)
Number of Pages10 pages
Geographical CoverageAfrica
KeywordsBrain drain, Effects of migration
AbstractStronger country capacity to manage for results is critical in achieving country outcomes and the African transformation agendas 2030 and 2063. However, the brain drain harms the availability of skilled human resources in critical sectors such as education, health, and engineering. Africa is losing a significant proportion of its best asset needed for achieving these agendas. This paper aims to highlight the extent of Africa’s brain drain and its impact on capacities for achieving country outcomes, and suggests some solutions. Key findings: Not every African country suffers from a brain drain. Rwanda, for example, not only holds on to its brightest and best, but attracts international talent. The paper concludes that it is impossible to fully realize managing for results objectives, including the African transformation, without retaining and fully utilizing indigenous, skilled human resources. Yet growing activism of the Diaspora movement in Africa’s development efforts and the growing political will in Africa to recognize the Diaspora’s potential contribution gives some hope that the Diaspora is not totally lost to Africa. Given the poor political and economic climate and professional working conditions that persist in most African countries and the resultant high economic and professional risks involved, it is unrealistic to expect that accomplished Diasporas will relocate permanently to their countries. Main recommendations: The paper recommends the following: African states should invest in programs that focus on a “brain gain” that does not involve permanent return; African states should promote systems and policies for virtual linkages and networks for the Diaspora; the African Capacity Building Foundation and its partners should develop a program to tap the Diaspora of its moral, intellectual, and social responsibility; and African states should be supported to embrace the Diasporas as key stakeholders.
Copyright HolderAfrican Community of Practice (AfCoP)
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Filesize721147 MB
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