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TitreMaking Regional Integration Work in Africa: A Reflection on Strategies and Institutional Requirements
AuteurMakhan, Vijay
ThèmeRegional Economic Integration and Development
Date de publication2009
Nombre de pages34 pages
Couverture géographiqueAfrica
Mots clésAfrican Union, Monrovia Treaty, NEPAD, RECs, Regional Economic Communities, Sirte Declaration, United States of Africa, Abuja Treaty
RésuméIt has been barely a six years since the African Union (AU) was launched in Durban, South Africa. Now, the continent’s leadership is engaged in discussions in respect of the creation of a United States of Africa. However, the path to integration is cooperation. We need to be able to cooperate better with each other. Those who are better endowed and better equipped should show solidarity towards the others. The way forward is the course traced in the Abuja Treaty. We do not have to reinvent the wheel. All that we need to do is to fine-tune whatever is required to make it more responsive to the present circumstances
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