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TitreJobless Economic Growth in Africa: Is There a Role for Agriculture?
AuteurHanson, Kobena; Léautier, Frannie A.
ThèmeEmployment, Agriculture, Economic Growth
Date de publication2013
ÉditeurJournal of African Development
Nombre de pages17 pages
Couverture géographiqueAfrica
Mots clésJob Creation, Unemployment
RésuméThis paper employs data from 48 African countries over the period 1990-2010 to investigate the performance of African economies with respect to job creation and its relation to economic growth. We submit that the main drivers, among others, appear to be the creative use of the agricultural sector and the level of innovation and sophistication in agriculture. The insights provide some lessons for countries seeking to speed up job creation under low growth scenarios as well as those seeking to transform their economies while creating jobs.
Détenteur du copyrightJournal of African Development
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Taille du fichier331734 MB
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