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TitreReactivating the African Statistical Association as a Knowledge Sharing Platform for African Statisticians and Statistical Institutions
ThèmeStatistics and Indicators
Date de publication2008
Nombre de pages03 pages
Couverture géographiqueAfrica, Sub-Saharan Afarica
Mots clésKnowledge Sharing
RésuméThis issue of Findings and Recommendations presents a synopsis of the results of an in-depth field study by the Knowledge Management Department of the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) on the revival of the defunct African Statistical Association (ASA). Led by ACBF Technical Advisory Panel and Network on National Statistics and Statistical Systems (STATNET), the study examines factors that led to the demise of ASA, provides guidelines for its resuscitation and successful operation as a continental knowledge sharing platform and calls on ACBF, the African Development Bank and UNECA to team up as partners to revive ASA. A resuscitated and an effectively capacitated ASA has an important role to play in assisting national statistical agencies and associations to strengthen statistical culture, share best statistical practices and provide technical support to national statistical agencies.
Détenteur du copyrightACBF
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Taille du fichier477619 MB
Format du fichierPDF
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