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TitrePolicy Brief N° 5 : Empowering the Small and Medium Business Ecosystem in Africa: A Holistic Approach to Overcoming Capacity Challenges 2024
Date de publication2024
RésuméSmall and Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs) are central to Africa’s economy, driving employment and contributing significantly to Gross Domestic Product (GDP). They operate within a complex ecosystem that includes a range of stakeholders from financial institutions to regulatory bodies. Critical challenges such as limited access to finance, barriers to market entry, skill gaps, and infrastructural deficits hinder SMB growth. To counter these obstacles, a comprehensive approach is necessary, one that integrates financial inclusion strategies, promotes entrepreneurship education, boosts infrastructure development, and eases market access. This approach will ensure the scalability and sustainability of SMBs across the continent, leveraging their potential to drive economic development.
Taille du fichier1147913 MB
Format du fichierPDF
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© 2015 Fondation pour le renforcement des capacités en Afrique| Tous droits réservés. ISSN: 2310-7960