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TitleAnnual Report 2017
SubjectCapacity Development
Date of Publication2017
Number of Pages47 pages
Geographical CoverageAfrica
KeywordsAUC Specialized Agency, ACBF Strategy for 2017 -2021, ACBF and World Bank
AbstractIn 2017 the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) worked conscientously to successfully close its Strategic Medium-Term Plan III (2011-2016). ACBF had an opportunity to reflect and learn from the three decades of interventions in Africa. It has become apparent that capacity remains a significant challenge in many African countries - and the premise for establishing coordinated mechanisms for effective capacity development interventions remain valid, especially with the implementation of Agenda 2063 and SDG 2030 underway.
Copyright HolderACBF
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Filesize21040604 MB
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