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TitreAfrica Franchise Report: A Study of Franchising in Africa
Date de publication2022
Nombre de pages4
RésuméThe African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank), a pan African multilateral financial institution established in 1993, commissioned a market study on the franchising sector in Africa, of which this report is the product. Afreximbank, under the Create and Connect pillars of its Intra-African Trade Strategy, has prioritised franchising as a critical instrument to unlock opportunities for entrepreneurs, especially small and medium enterprises (SMEs), that are seeking new business ventures on the African continent. This report presents findings of market research on the franchising sector in Africa. It is made up of eight chapters, which cover the scope of the study and research methodology, key research findings and outputs concerning the development and current state of franchising on the African continent, untapped and emerging opportunities for transforming the franchising industry in Africa, and recommendations of possible roles for Afreximbank and other partners to facilitate the development of franchising on the continent.
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