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TitreElections and Management of Diversity in Botswana
AuteurPhirinyane, M
Date de publication2014
ÉditeurBotswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis (BIDPA)
Nombre de pages116 pages
Couverture géographiqueBotswana
Mots clésGood Governance - Botswana, Democracy - Botswana, Constitutionalism, Political and Electoral Reform
RésuméThis study on Elections and the Management of Diversity in Botswana was part of a wider study carried out in several sub-Saharan Africa countries in 2011/12. The study is part of a broader project that seeks to measure progress towards good governance in Africa. These include: free, fair and transparent elections; an effective system of transfer of power; predictable laws; protection of citizens’ rights; equality before the law; a stable macro-economy; observance of the rule of protection of media freedom; and a vibrant civil society
Détenteur du copyrightBotswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis (BIDPA)
Copyright URL
Taille du fichier3852322 MB
Format du fichierPDF
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