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TitreCapacity Imperatives for the SDGs: In line with African Union’s Agenda 2063
ThèmeSustainable Development Goals , SDGs
Date de publication2019
Nombre de pages83 pages
Couverture géographiqueAfrica
Mots clésAfrican Union's Agenda 2063, Capacity Development, Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development, Millennium Development Goals
RésuméThis report by the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) analyzes the capacity dimensions and imperatives for achieving the SDGs within the context of Agenda 2063. This focus recognizes that capacity remains the critical missing link for fulfilling the development agendas of most African countries. The objective of this report is to identify, map, and analyze the key capacity dimensions that are important to address and enhance national capabilities for implementing the SDGs in Africa. The exercise views the SDGs as a unique opportunity for governments to redirect investments in economic development, inclusive growth, and mechanisms to sustain achievements. The “Capacity-for what?” question was framed fundamentally as well as strategically: What capabilities need to be in place to take advantage of the opportunities presented by the SDGs to build economies that can sustain the development aspiration of AU member states.
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Taille du fichier2847582 MB
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